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Smart Home Solutions Blog - Case studies how we do things.

Smart Homes Matter Pty Ltd is a leading provider of cutting-edge smart home solutions.

Smart home automation is a rapidly growing industry that is transforming the way we live our lives. With advancements in technology, home automation systems are becoming more accessible and affordable for homeowners...

Smart Homes Matter Pty Ltd, specialise in providing cutting-edge smart home solutions, including home automation systems, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and smart devices. Our connected homes allow you to take control of your living space like never before. With voice control, you can manage your home with ease. Energy management systems help you save money on your utility bills while reducing your carbon footprint. Home security features keep your property and loved one’s safe, while home entertainment systems let you enjoy your favourite shows and music. With lighting control and thermostat control, you can optimize your home environment for comfort and convenience. Home sensors and smart locks give you peace of mind, while motorised shades add a touch of elegance to your decor. Our home networking and remote access capabilities make it easy to stay connected and in control, even when you're away from home. Our team of experts is committed to providing the best smart home installation and integration services in the industry. We use state-of-the-art smart home technology to create custom solutions that meet your unique needs and exceed your expectations. Experience the future of home automation with Smart Homes Matter Pty Ltd.
Contact us today to learn more about our smart home solutions, including smart home automation, home automation systems, Internet of Things devices, and much more.

Using simple automation to preform everyday ceiling fan control.

Challenge: Automate control of existing ceiling fans. Our client just wanted all their ceiling fans to turn on and off depending on the temperature. Sounds simple enough, so how did we achieve this.
Issues to consider: This home had two types of ceiling fans, three were newer models with radio frequency(RF) remote controls and another three were older model ceiling fans with standard dial type 3 speed controller on the wall switch. Standard dial fan controller The client didn't want to replace the ceiling fans.
Solution: We fitted Zigbee micro switches behind the wall switch to allow automation of the older style ceiling fan and a seperate RF transmitter to control the newer RF fans. This allowed us to then group all six fans together through our Smartlife* app. We then setup an automation with a Zigbee thermostat that triggers the fans to turn on at 25degs and turn off when the temperature drops below 19degs, and of course these temperature presets can be changed for your personal comfort. However this client reports that after 12 months with this setup they never touch the fan controls as the automation takes care of everything perfectly.
RF fan remote controller The client was very happy with this setup as it allowed them to have full automation of the ceiling fans and at the same time they still have full manual control via the existing wall switch or remote controls. The added bonus is that they can also control the fans using voice comands through their Amazon Alexa.
Simple solutions to everyday situations.
See what we can do for your home - Contact us today!

Using simple automation to save time opening blinds.

Challenge: Automate control of existing roller blinds. This client wanted both their roller blinds in the lounge to open in the morning and close after sunset. Sounds simple enough, so how did we achieve this.
Issues to consider: This home had two large 2.7mtr wide roller blinds in the lounge. One over a window and the other over a sliding door opening to the deck. Further challenge was when the sliding door was open at sunset the client wanted to be notified so they didn't go to bed with the door open behind a closed blind.
Solution: SHM zigbee battery tubular motor First solution was to automate the roller blinds by removing the chain pull cord and retro fit tubular battery motors. We used SHM Zigbee tubular motors as they are easy to automate and and have an excellent battery life of 6-12 months from one recharge. Once the tubular motors were installed (a five min job) we created an automation so the blinds open at sunrise and closed at 20 minutes past sunset. We then added a Zigbee door sensor to alert the system when the door was open and we informed the roller blind to not fully close so the client could be aware that the door was still open. This is a practical way to notify of an open door as the client did not want notifications sent to their phone. When the sliding door was then fully closed the blind is instructed to fully close. We added smart light controllers to this clients lounge so the lounge lights come on when the blind closes. This client still has control of the blinds via the remote control or through the Smartlife* app or they can also control the blinds using voice commands through their Google Home* device.
Simple solutions to everyday situations.
Learn more about how we can make your blinds smart!

Using automation to 'SET ROMANTIC MOOD'.

Challenge: To set up a romantic ambience in the bedroom. Our client wanted an automation that would create the ambience using lighting, music and ventilation.
Issues to consider: This client had no smart technology in the home other than an Amazon Echo* Gen 4.
Solution: This solution was quite simple as the client had 90mm down lights in the bedroom so we fitted Zigbee full colour dimmable downlights that were a simple unplug the old and plug in the new lights. SHM zigbee full colour downlight Because the client already had an Amazon Echo* Gen 4 with bulit in Zigbee we were able to connect the lights through the Amazon Echo and create a routine in Alexa so when the client says "Alexa Set The Mood" the lights change to a romantic colour and dim to 10%, at the same time Alexa plays the clients chosen romantic music.
This client also wanted the bedroom ceiling fan to come on "because it was about to get hot" so we fitted a Zigbee micro switch behind the fan wall switch so the fan can be controlled by Alexa and included in the routine.
Simple solutions to everyday situations.
What are your automation ideas? - Contact us today!

More complex automation to control heat in sunroom.

Challenge: Automate control of existing roller blinds and Air conditioner in sunroom. This client wanted roller blinds to close and air conditioner to turn on in the sunroom only on hot sunny days. So how did we achieve this.
Issues to consider: This home had a west facing sunroom with five large windows with roller blinds. The main issue facing the client was they only wanted to close up the room and put the air conditioner on when it was hot and sunny. On cloudy days and cooler days they wanted the sunroom blinds open to warm the room. The clients worked shift work and were often not home in the late afternoon to close up the room when the sun was strongest in that room and would come home later to stiffling heat.
Solution: SHM zigbee battery tubular motor First solution was to automate the roller blinds by removing the chain pull cord and retro fit with tubular battery motors. We used SHM Zigbee tubular motors as they are easy to automate with a Zigbee hub and have an excellent battery life of 6-12 months from one recharge. Once the tubular motors were installed (a five min job for each blind) we looked at how to create an automation so the blinds close on hot sunny days but not on cooler days. We installed a 12 month battery powered Zigbee temperature and humidity sensor. We also installed a luminence sensor just for some extra data on the brightness of the day. Added a Zigbee IR blaster to mimic the air conditioner remote control giving us control of the air conditioner via the Smartlife* app, which also has access to the data from the temp and luminence sensors and the areas weather forecast.
Then we created an automation to activate at 3pm but required the temperature in the sunroom be at least 27deg, the luminence to be bright and the weather to be sunny all at the same time. When all these variables happen together then the automation will close the blinds and turn on the air conditioner for two hours. This is all that was needed to keep the room from overheating and also only uses electricity from the solar panels that are still generating excess power on bright sunny days. This client has been happy with the outcome and comments that she gets a surprise some days when sitting in the sunroom at home and the blinds close and the air conditioner comes on just as she is thinking that it is getting a bit warm. The client still has control of the blinds via the remote control or through the Smartlife* app or they can also control the blinds using voice commands through a Google Home* or Amazon Alexa* device.
Thinking outside the square to solve everyday problems.
Learn more about how we can make your blinds smart!

Common question, what is the best home automation system?

This is a bit like asking what is the best car or the best beer, everyone will have their opinion and be willing to argue why their point of view is correct.
Really like the car scenerio there many factors to consider. These include price, new build or retro fit, how much you want to DIY or not, just what you want to achieve, do you want to start small and add to the system, or try and build everything in at once.
So what systems are out there ? There companies like Control4* who will rewire your house and install a computer based system on racks in a dedicated control room. Great high end system that can control all aspects of your home. Then there is Advantage Air* who create a wired system with a control box to control through your existing wiring. Then there there is Home Assistant* that allows you to have total control over various different manufacturers home automation products by connecting through a small home computer. Then there are multiple different manufacturers who all have their own APP to control their particular product which may or may not talk to other manufacturers products.
At Smart Homes Matter we like to use the TUYA* Smart Life* APP as it will work with thousands of products from hundreds of different manufacturers. When your Smart Home Automation system is also based on Zigbee for low energy devices leaving WiFi bandwidth for the higher energy devices, you will have what we believe is the best home automation system because you can then add to that system from many manufacturers and by using Zigbee for as many devices as you can, you system will get faster and more reliable over time compared with a WiFi only system that will slow down a little bit more with each additional device.
Voice control! Voice control was the buzz word in home automation last year with the popularity of voice control devices like Amazon Echo*, Google Home* and Apple Homekit*. Voice control is a lot of fun and can be helpful for add ons to automation however if you really want to use the power of home automation then it is best to design automations that work with your lifestyle rather than relying on your voice to do things like turn on lights or close blinds when a well designed automation would be doing those things in the background for you when you need it.
So the answer to what is the best home automation system? We like to think if you build your system around Zigbee* and only use WiFi for high bandwith devices you will have a strong self healing system that should give very little trouble. We are happy to discuss your home automation ideas and advise on what is the best home automation system for your requirements and budget. We want the best for our clients and we know that no one company no matter how good, can do it all in this industry so if that means client needs a Ferrari* and we only have a Toyota* then we will refer you to someone who can provide what you need not just what we have. Customer service is our number one priority.


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